Increase loyalty with a 360-degree view of your customers

Empower your organization with a 360-degree view of your customers and prospects

With the proliferation of digital touchpoints, customer information comes in different formats and multiple applications. Connecting and making sense of all this information can be daunting. Growing privacy concerns add more complexity, keeping a 360-degree view of the customer out of reach for many organizations.


Unlock omnichannel customer experience

Insight into all aspects of customer interaction with your business can help you deliver high-quality experiences that stand out from the competition. Empower your organization with a 360-degree view of your customers and prospects to better understand, anticipate, and respond to their evolving needs.

  • Gain a competitive advantage with a differentiated customer experience
  • Obtain a single view of your customers and prospects to analyze their needs 
  • Deliver better experiences by understanding and responding to customer sentiment 

Why SAP?

Below are suggested solutions from SAP that will help you gain a 360-degree view of your customers.

SAP Integration Suite

  • Integration solutions allow you to quickly identify, connect, and harmonize processes and data so you can understand the customer journey and enhance experiences at each interaction point
  • Take advantage of powerful data integration capabilities to connect back-office data to the front office

SAP Business Accelerator Hub

  • Easily expose, consume, and manage APIs to connect disparate systems and applications

SAP Customer Data

  • Unify customer data from all sources to build customer profiles for omnichannel engagement
  • Respect your customers’ privacy by honoring the purpose of their data
  • Activate rich customer insights and orchestrate them to the right engagement systems to deliver a hyper-personalized experience

See how our customers are succeeding with SAP


centralized customer data platform across the enterprise 


customer loyalty with a unified omnichannel experience for customers 


to get up and running on the new SAP system and implement a new customer loyalty program

Delivering the retail experience of the future was the goal for Elkjop Nordic, and they succeeded by leveraging CRM and integration solutions from SAP.

  • 500 legacy applications and interfaces updated
  • A single centralized customer data platform across the enterprise
  • Improved customer sentiment with an improved omnichannel buying experience


The cornerstone for success is a 360 degree view of customers

Read how an effective customer experience strategy is the cornerstone for success for organizations looking to differentiate themselves from the competition.